Wednesday, June 17, 2020


act Native?

React native was introduced by Facebook and is an open-source framework for user interface in web development. Today it is one of the most popular platforms between web developers because of its simplicity & use of JavaScript.

Works under tight budget constraints

While starting your business, budget is the most significant factor you are concerned about. Of course, every startup wants to achieve a fast return to survive in the competitive market. For this, you have to develop your business faster and stay longer. The important reason to hire a react native developer is you will save time and money while choosing to react native mobile app development services.

Using expo-cli

Expo-cli is a command-line tool. It downloads & installs the react-native boilerplate, integrated with expo API. You can easily build react native application with it because it provides you many options so that you can simply run & test your application without any configuration. 
Scan a QR code and your app will open up with an expo mobile app. You can explore other mobile applications built with React Native on the browser over a web interface called appertize!

Using react-native-cli

React Native-cli does the same job as expo-cli, but with a different approach and extra benefit. The apps that are installed with react native-cli provide you the option & the ability to create your native modules for your application. Developing react native mobile applications on different platforms is a different process. Many time it required a specific configuration for a specific platform such as to build for Android you require to use Android SDK, let’s see how it works? 

Building mobile apps for Android

There are some requirements you have to install for developing an Android Application. First, you have to download & configure both Android SDK & Android Studio.

Using real devices

Using real devices to run & test your application is one of the best things because it lets you know how your application looks like on a real device. Here you can feel the reality of your work in a way the virtual device doesn’t give. So if you can use a device, don’t hesitate.

You must be thinking that till now, we’re ok with Android but what about iOS?

Building react-native apps for IOS

React native with iOS is not much different from Android. It runs on iOS with some exceptions such as to run on an iOS device, you need to have a macOS. However, in macOS & iOS, you don’t have to download any extra dependencies such as SDK for Android to run react-native on iOS. Emulator, X-code has nice emulators that you can use to test your react native applications.

Better than Native 

React Native provides you a flawless UI by using native widgets. Not only JavaScript, but it can also run the most complex apps smoothly, even better than the real native applications. That is the reason, why developing apps with react native is possible even for robust enterprise applications.

Great Coding Experience

React Native provides great coding experience to the developers. Hot Module Replacement is one of the most popular features of react-native. React Native developers can modify the code after getting the result. Here the applications reloads automatically when any code change is made & a development process speeds up significantly. However, to generate application layout for both platforms it uses a flexbox layout engine. React Native developers can learn just one layout engine to develop on all platforms including the web. 

Cost Saving and Code Reuse

React Native provides you the code reuse service for deployment of code on two different platforms such as iOS & Android. Because of code reuse service react-native saves up to 40% of the total development cost. You do not have to write code in Swift for Java and C# for Windows. That means it works on multiple platforms. Overall, it is Write Once and Use Everywhere Platform. However, it is recommended to calculate the extra time for code modifications if needed. 

No offline issues

As compare to Native apps, react-native stores the device data offline & facilitates offline working of the app even without an online connection. Whereas native apps cannot work in an offline environment.

Android and iOS - Cross-Platform Service

There is no doubt that React Native provides you one of the major services that is service of the cross-platform application. It will allow you to reuse the single code for both Android and iOS platforms. Being able to write the app simultaneously for two platforms can cut your time and costs in half. You need just one team or one developer who will ensure that all changes are propagated on both versions. You don’t have to be worried about miscommunication and app differences. On the other hand, Android requires the knowledge of the Android SDK and Java. So if you want to stay up-to-date with the latest features, then the knowledge of React Native is required.

Dynamic Experience for Developers

React Native offers developers a learning experience. They can make and apply any alteration to the program while it is running without restarting. Furthermore, developers can use flex box to design app layouts for android, iOS, and the web. They can integrate Chrome Developer tools to React Native and gain access to the debugger and profiling tools. If a developer is shifting an existing application onto the React Native framework, then they can incorporate the components into the current code regardless of its type.

Third-Party Plugins

React Native uses the third party library support which provides its developer’s freedom of choice. But remember that the support for third party plugins is good and bad as well. React Native links the plugins with native modules and allows features like zoom, rotate, and takes up less memory. This compatibility offers smooth experiences even if your device is running on the old OS. 

Prompt Live Updates

The use of JavaScript as its primary language enables developers to release updates without going through the app stores. React Native simplifies cross-platform app development, allowing developers to use tools to launch updates at a moment’s notice.

It is Greatly Responsive 

As one of the most popular frameworks react-native builds a hierarchy of UI elements to make the JavaScript code. It simply saves your couple of hours by processing a new way to build native apps. The apps built on React Native comprise a highly responsive interface. It gives a strong performance for mobile environments. It is superfast and compatible with mobile devices. React Native provides you good responsive design with great rendering abilities. In react native you only have to put building blocks together using JavaScript, because it uses the same fundament UI building blocks as regular android application & iOS application.


In a nutshell, React Native will be a cost-effective and future-proof investment for startups and enterprises. Taking into account the perks and drawbacks, it is apparent that React Native has a future in cross-platform app developmentThe framework is an excellent choice to opt if you want: Your app to be delivered faster, the development team to be a handful of people instead of a large group, to spend less time on the testing phase, convenient bug fixing on all mobile app platforms. 

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